If you haven't joined us for Knit Night, YOU are invited! Our group meets every week at LYS on Thursday evenings between 5 and 8. Bring whatever you're working on, bring questions, or come for new project ideas & help! Last week, we had 3 new faces in our group, and a nice bunch of our 'regulars.' We're getting ready to start a KAL making hats for cancer patients. I'm working on details for that now. LYS provides a big pot of coffee & an occasional plate of cookies. We've been known to have potlucks, random treats of candy & sweets, and sometimes shop give-aways!
I had such a good laugh this week! 'KateyJ' on Ravelry posted a series of pictures of a shawl she'd knit that are so silly, so fresh & so funny I had to share one here. With her cheerful permission, please enjoy her version of the Aestlight Shawl designed by Gudrun Johnson.
Keep an eye on the blog for more LYS knitter pics--we've had some creative knitters in the shop these last few weeks!
New classes should show up any second on our website: www.lancasteryarnshop.com.
Hope you're having a happy January!
Happy Knitting,
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